Preseason | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Free cricket test that makes nets more realistic

 We all know how important fitness is to cricket, but nets don’t realistically recreate the fitness you need to get a big score.

That’s where BATEX© (BATing EXercise) comes in.

Normal netting rarely tests batsmen's endurance. It doesn't accurately reflect the effects of fatigue on the batsman's skill levels. But BATEX does exactly that.

How Watsonians CC make fitness training cricket specific

One of the fastest ways to gain an edge over the opposition is to improve your fitness because so few sides work on it.

But you don't want to waste your valuable time on fitness work that's useless on the pitch on matchday.

Cricket Show update: The lost episode

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PitchVision Academy - No Show This Week.mp3
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There will be no official cricket show this week, but we do have a little something for you.

Although we recorded as normal, there was a problem with the recording and the show was lost to the world.

Only Kevin and I know how brilliant it was (and it was brilliant).

But how could I leave you with nothing to listen to?

I'm not that cruel and I would feel far too guilty.

The secret to playing straight and scoring quickly

Gary Palmer, the PitchVision Academy batting coach, takes fresh look at an old idea and finds out that you can be technically correct and score quickly. If you would like coaching from Gary, check out CCM Academy.

Playing straight with a checked drive in the 'V' from both front and back foot is something that all the great players have done well, and still do well today.

What Simon Cowell can teach you about cricket

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Ever wondered what makes some talented players succeed and others fail?

If there is one person who knows more about picking people with that something extra it's record executive, TV producer and celebrity judge Simon Cowell.

Through shows like Pop Idol, American Idol, The X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, Cowell has honed his ability to pick a diamond from the rough and make it shine.

Cricket fielding drills from Derek Randall

It's said that during his time at Nottinghamshire and England, Derek Randall would regularly save 20 runs a day from his fielding.

Why cricket isn't a sideways game after all

Gary Palmer, the PitchVision Academy batting coach, talks about the coaching idea that batting is a sideways game. If you would like coaching from Gary, check out CCM Academy.

We have all heard the coaching mantra: Cricket is a sideways game.

Good bowlers get side on in their action. Batsmen stand sideways at the crease.

Are you wasting your training time with sand and water?

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Think of a big jar. An ordinary jar that once might have contained pickles or jam. It's empty now.

Piled next to the jar is a collection of rocks. There's nothing special about them but there is just enough to fill up the jar, so you put them in. The jar is full.

How to bat well against off spin

Does good off spin bowling baffle you? It probably should. Even if you are confident against spinners, you can never really relax. Ask Ricky Ponting.

What you can do is learn to play better against off spin by making small changes to your technique and tactics.

Let's look at some of these now:

Gary Palmer's Batting Tips


As you know, Gary Palmer is a friend of PitchVision Academy. He is the official batting coach of PitchVision Academy, runs the highly successful CCM Academy and contributes all kinds of free stuff to PitchVision Academy readers.