CRICKET JOBS: Research Consultant - Chance to Shine (UK) | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

CRICKET JOBS: Research Consultant - Chance to Shine (UK)

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Closing date: 9th October 2015

Chance to Shine has always had a desire to do more than simply introduce the game to young people. In the words of our co-founder, Lord King: “Don’t ask what schools can do for cricket. Ask what cricket can do for schools.”

We believe passionately that we must ‘Spread the Power of Cricket’ to ensure that children reap the personal, social and educational benefits of engaging with cricket thorough Chance to Shine. Our vision statement clearly demonstrates this -

    ‘Give all young people the opportunity to play & learn through cricket’

    In the first ten years of Chance to Shine we have improved our provision with regards to ‘Learning through Cricket’; however, there is still more we can do to parallel with our delivery against ‘play’.

    Why do we wish to invest more heavily than before in this area?

  • It is central to truly delivering on our vision to ‘Give all young people the opportunity to play & learn through cricket’.
  • This work has great potential to impact positively on the sustainability of cricket in the schools we work with by engaging with teachers and their priorities.
  • Extend reach to children/teachers in non-Chance to Shine schools.
  • We believe cricket can be a powerful and lasting component of a young person’s learning and development, in turn bringing wider social benefits:
  • It teaches personal responsibility, teamwork and mutual respect in a fun and competitive environment;
  • It builds character, promoting motivation, self-confidence, hard work and resilience;
  • It positively engages young people who may feel marginalised within their school or local environment;
  • It encourages exercise and a healthy lifestyle, contributing to physical and mental well-being;
  • It actively engages all kinds of people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, culture or ability;
  • It breaks down barriers between diverse communities, contributing to social inclusion and cohesion.

    Additionally, we have seen through experience that the strong bonds developed between coaches and participants on our Street programmes through long-term year-round engagement develops a level of trust where they will engage better with educational workshops around important issues such as drugs and gangs than they might coming from authority figures in other environments.

    We are currently developing a theory of change, working with New Philanthropy Capital, to identify our intended cricketing, educational and social outcomes – and to develop a framework for measuring our impact against them.

    What do we require?

    In order to make sure that we make best use of this opportunity and the funding allocated to it, we need to understand the current picture both within and outside of Chance to Shine programmes. This would involve you analysing and documenting existing good practice where cricket is used as a vehicle to deliver learning outcomes.

    Phase 1: we would like to understand the current picture within cricket by researching what other cricket organisations are doing in this area.

    Phase 2: we would like to look at good practice from across sport, education and children's charities.

    Phase 3: we would require a proposal document to be produced on how we should take this forward. The proposal should include –

  • Key headlines from research
  • A recommended model describing the key learning benefits that cricket can deliver, mapped to credible external frameworks (e.g. national curriculum, employability skills)
  • A proposal, supported by the research, regarding how we should go about developing our existing programmes – or creating new ones – to deliver educational benefits to young people.
  • Timescales
  • Costings for this work


    Friday 9th October - Expressions of interest and credentials to be sent to Richard Darwin (
    Friday 23rd October – presentation to Chance to Shine panel
    Monday 2nd November – initial contract to commence
    Friday 20th November – Phase 1: submit report on current position of cricket
    Friday 11th December – Phase 2: submit report on current position of other stakeholders and organisations
    Friday 8th January – Phase 3: submit recommendations document
    January 2016 – Present findings and recommendations to CTS
How to apply
    Expressions of interest and credentials to be sent to Richard Darwin (

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