How to avoid and recover from a hamstring pull in cricket | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

How to avoid and recover from a hamstring pull in cricket

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"It is beyond belief to see players miss months with a hamstring pull. That is appalling and alarming. There is either gross negligence, incompetence or a completely flawed rehab and training methodology."

Vern Gambetta's views on hamstring injuries in baseball can just as easily be applied to club cricket. Here is how you can reduce your chance of those missed weeks and recover from them effectively.


  1. Speed training. Going all out in training (with suitable recovery) is essential to developing strength in your hamstrings. Make sure you include speed, agility and turning drills at pace as well as high intensity fielding drills.
  2. Strength training. Train your hamstrings to work in the way the work on the pitch. Extend the hip with hip lifts (pictured above from the bodyweight training plan) and cut out hamstring curling exercises. Also use squatting exercises to stabilise your knee joint and basic plyometrics to teach decelleration.
  3. Run outside. As Vern pointed out, gym cardio machines lock you in or teach you bad running habits. Running outside on a range of natural surfaces is free and reduces injury risk.
  4. Be mobile. If you are not starting every training session and game with a dynamic warm up of some kind and finishing with stretching then shame on you. Increased range of motion through your hips, shoulders and ankles reduces injury risk.
  5. Get back on your feet. If you do pull a hamstring don't be afraid to get back to training. Train around the injury and start jogging gently as soon as you can. Don't rush back on the pitch though. Wait for a full recovery first.

© Copyright miSport Holdings Ltd 2008

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Excellent, could youi please send me more fielding drills, as I am coaching three teams in Sri- Lanka. Thank you

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