How to have more energy in the field
Liam Plunkett recently revealed his secret to keeping his energy levels up during a long day in the field.
Is it worth club cricketers following suit?
Probably not. Why?
- Club cricketers tend not to spend as long in the field. So there is less need for such a boost.
- Sugary sweets give you a short term energy boost that is followed by a 'crash' as the body tries to compensate for the sudden jump in blood sugar levels. This means you get hungry and tired and your performance may drop.
- Eating too many sweets can expand your belly.
So instead of biting the heads off jelly babies, try and workout regularly to increase your fitness levels and eat a good balanced diet with plenty of slow-energy release carbohydrates like pasta, oats and rice.
It might be the same laws in theory, but in practice the games Liam and club cricketers play are very different.
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