How to Run a Cricket Club: The Complete Guide | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

How to Run a Cricket Club: The Complete Guide

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Running an amateur cricket team is hard work. You need all the help you can get because it's rare to find anyone getting paid for their long hours.

It might be alright if everyone chipped in, but the truth is, in any side, 10% of the members that do 90% of the work. You might be running an an expensive club middle-class club in leafy Surrey, putting on park cricket in Sydney or running an academy for youngsters in Delhi; it's always the same story.

Fortunately, despite the frustrations of the job, most amateur administrators are bright, organised, committed and hard working (you don't last long without these traits).

But everyone needs a helping hand. That's why we developed this free guide to running a cricket club. Over the course of several weeks we will cover off the basics of keeping the side ticking over. You can cut out and keep the entire guide.

So whether you are a new club chairman keen to impress or a grizzled, battle-scarred verteran, there is something here for every administrator.

We can even answer your questions as part of the series. So if you have a specific problem you need to solve you can send it in here.

The only thing we can't do is give you more hours in the day. You will have to work that one out for yourself.

How to Run a Cricket Club

Bookmark this easy reference page because it will be updated with links to each topic as they go live. Or get the free newsletter to get the updates when they come out.

  1. Finances
  2. Fundraising
  3. Facilities
  4. Fixtures and Playing
  5. Changes

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Hey David , what about putting a course on nutrition (A DETAILED ONE) focusing on cricket specific needs for cricketers.I am sure its gonna help everyone.!

Here's a question for you David that I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on: what is the optimum structure for an amateur cricket club?

1 saturday team? 2? 3? 4?
A sunday team? A midweek team? Separate squads for each or the same group of players?

A junior section? How old and how many different age groups?

AB - Not the David you were aiming the question at, but have to say the answers are going to need to be predicated on the number of players you have and how often they want to (or are able to) play.

Ideally you need to be ensuring that you can fill each side you put out every week with room for some rotation if you have more players available, but that's never easy to get right.

My view has always been that if you have enough players to make it work then you have League teams to cover your known availability with about half a dozen to spare, and then you can run a Sunday friendly team with the spares plus any that want to play two days!

I am looking to take over the running of a ladies' team and wanted to ask about player registration requirements.

We have a lot of players who are under 18 so I made a registration form which I was going to ask all players to fill in with basic contact information, or parents' contact information if the player is under 18 and disclaimer for the parents to sign to say it is OK for their child to play and we are OK to take them to away matches if the parent is not able to. I have heard that the league might not be happy with this (although I am unsure why), and I can't find much information regarding player registration requirements on the league's web site.

Can anybody here offer any advice please?


Hi Gail, if you are in the UK then the league will have a Child Welfare Officer who will know the specific league requirements. That information should be public, so your best bet is to give that person a call the clarify everything.

hi respected, i want to start a cricket club. can i get the details for starter.

goodday people is there any one who could help me with any info how to start a criket club please help

dear Sir/Madam

My name is Nicholas and I am currently assisting our school with sport in general.
I would love to open a cricket club in our area, please if you can help me achieve that,
I stay in Meadowlands zone1 in Soweto

Your in Tirisano

What would be brilliant is if there were one free online resource for

Membership - use Teamer FREE
Fixtures - use Teamer & email FREE
Payments and invoices - use WaveApp FREE
CRM (for both Membership, prospective Members, Sponsors & Opposition)- use Insightly FREE
Email - use gmail FREE
Newsletters - use MailChimp FREE
Stats - use The Cricket Wizard FREE

Most amateur clubs do not have budgets for expensive software, that could do all of the above, and if you don't have an IT person in the club it can be a labour intensive to populate information across all the platforms. Add in a store for Club branded merchandise. that can link to PayPal (FREE)

Most Clubs are now savvy enough to have Social Media channels such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, again this takes up a massive amount of time, so a central console to link to all social sites.

Probably asking too much, but what a perfect scenario

Hello... How to open cricket academy what we need & it's compulsory an cricketer can open cricket academy not individual men can't open ?? If any individual men try to open cricket academy's any approval need from bcci ??