Living the dream: Cricketer reveals how he won a professional contract | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Living the dream: Cricketer reveals how he won a professional contract

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In August 2009, 19 year old Josh Davey was awarded a contract with Middlesex County Cricket Club. How did he do it?

When you watch the top professionals, you might assume it was all very easy. Natural talent brought them to the top with no real effort. The best players always make the game look simple. As Josh's example shows, this is not always the case. Here are 4 big reasons Josh made it while others of similar talents fell by the wayside.

Find the best coaches

We all know that good coaching creates good cricketers. Josh made it his mission to find the best. As his father revealed, "Josh wanted to become a professional cricketer and train through the winter. After searching the internet and asking our local cricket experts we found Gary Palmer's CCM Academy."

Josh got through the trial and was exposed to a very intense series of coaching sessions lead by PitchVision Academy Elite Coach, Gary Palmer. CCM Academies are always staffed by former international or first-class cricketers so Josh was learning from the best. The Academy has a reputation for its intensity, as miCricketCoach found out when we attended a session in April of 2009. It certainly worked for Josh who said the coaching, "enabled me to progress my game to a level that got me noticed by the first class counties."

Go the extra mile (or 320)

For Josh, getting to the Academy was not easy; "Every other Sunday for 5 months we were up before dawn to start the 320 mile round trip." The commitment to long days shows how much Josh was prepared to put into making it. The lesson is simple: If you want to be a professional, sometimes you need to do the uncomfortable things to put in the work.

Play a high standard

Josh also made sure he was playing a high standard of cricket. Minor county, school and club cricket can only teach you so much. Josh also played several games for CCM Academy. These matches were against first-class county Academy sides: "The academy games enabled me to assess my ability compared with boys in first class academies, as well as providing competitive match situations and gain experience under pressure." He revealed.

Have exceptional support

Nobody can make it alone. Josh was supported in several ways by understanding parents and the PCA. Even the most talented players need help if they are going to make it. The secret is to seek out help where possible and don't give up if you have a setback. Financial and practical hurdles can always be overcome if you have people to help you.

Despite Josh's natural talent, the road to professional cricket was not an easy one. His story is one of determination and hard work. We all wish him luck with his professional contract.

Is it your turn next?

If you have the talent and are aged 10-20 in the UK, don't die wondering. Enrol on the CCM Academy for 2009-10.


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