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07 Sep 12 at 11:17 |
Preseason trainign log- Michael | |
Right now that my preseason is well and truly upon me I'm going to to start a log on this great website to both keep a record and to inspire me to have an effective preseason this year. This log is intended as a keeping of records of my own training and will help me to address and cut out the bull**** in my own training. Please feel free to comment or ask me questions. I'm sure that having others read my log will help motivate me and make me accountable to more than just myself. I intend to log primarily at first regarding my strength and conditioning work and later to incorporate technical stuff as it progresses. A little about myself to start, and to take an honest look and where I am at the beginning of this preseason. I'm 24 years old. Played cricket on and off for roughly 5 years. I am a terrible batsman by any estimation, average fielder and a pretty good bowler for my level( which isnt saying much). That being said I opened the bowling last year for Caddington CC second XI taking 12 wickets in 6 games at a strike rate of under 30, an economy of 3.5ish and an average of 15.5ish. A decent season to a degree but somewhat miles away of where i want to be. Im a medium pace, mostly bowling outswing. At the beginning of last season i attended an Ian Pont bowling workshop and was clocked in at 64 mph. So what are my targets for the preseason. Well as this website is a proponent of having measurable targets to improve ones game I shall set a few. Target one (and main intention for all of this) is to bowl quicker. Making a conservative (perhaps?) aim I'd like to gain 3-4mph for next season. Now Ill need to find myself a speed gun next year but I'm sure that's a possibility. Second target will be to break into and keep a place in the first team. I'm there on thereabouts but i want to be THERE. How will i achieve these targets. During preseason will be to attend the gym three times a week focusing on strength training. I will be following the Jim Wendler 531 protocol www.jimwendler.com or www.t-nation.com will cover questions for you. I will be using this to raise my basic strength levels to above what they are now. Currently I know I can press 60 kg, front squat 80 kg, floor press 77.5 kg for 4 reps and powerclean 80kg. I intend my press to reach 70kg, deadlift 160 kg perfect form, floor press 100kg and powerclean 90kg by next season. I also intend to do mobility warms ups every gym session and between one and 3 extra sessions a week. I have wrong'uns for hips so this is a must. I intend to do 2-3 sessions of hill sprinting or some other intense cardio each week (thisll be the hardest im a cardio hater) Finally i will do 3 10-15 minute sessions of bowling technique work a week working on the dropstep primarily I also believe in the power of learning so will endeavour to read all articles from pitchvision.com and eric cresey the renowned baseball condition expert over the winter to see what I can add from them. Sorry there's a lot here nothign else i post should be so long. Also nothing here will be groundbreaing i will just be stealin ideas from others but liek i said this is mainly as a record keeping exercise. I'm hoping to test a few thins this week too like weight levels, waist levels and perhaps a few small fitness tests to see where I am at. Right got to go to work now. Going to do some manual stretching and foamrolling for 15 mins first After talkign about myself for ages, everyone have a cracing preseason |
Posts: 129
So today I foam rolled quads, hamstrings, IT bands, abductors, glutes lower back and thoracic spine. Was very tender in IT band.
followed by:
8 squat to stands
hip flexor stretch
kneeling abductor stretch
quadroped thoracic extension
fire hydrant (like a dog taking a p###)
8 yoga pressups
glute bridge with reach 4 each side
lying side windmill (shoulder mobility exercise)
felt stiff and cracked an awful lot. hopefully will reduce soon.
Diet was good today
Bowl of porridge with apple
Natural yogurt
large southwestern omelette (5 eggs, slice of cheese, kidney beans, onion,. salsa, chilli, cumin)
protein and carb shake
two pittas with chiken breast slices
pack of chicken and lamb koftas.
Posts: 129
This morning i did a quick 5 minute bowling technique session. Cant believe how I havent been doing these before when its that short. So what did I do.
So I did 20 reps of the first progression and 10 of the second of this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V00h2kKq_wU
Some very interesting reading on the website of the poster of the above video.
Following this I did an exercise which Ian Pont recommended when I attended his course. Which was to hold a weight (or a can of beans in my case) in the non bowling arm and going through your bowling action, Apparently teaches the use of the non bowling arm. I did this for 10 reps.
kept the repetition low at the beginning. going to build up more later on whilst progressing through the above video as it gets further into preseason.
thats all for now
Whilst I find your ideas and strategies interesting to read I also believe you will need to have well-balanced nutritional diet in order to maintain optimum performance. Strictly protein diets I have found are not as effective. Snacking on nuts and granola bars are a perfect way to savoid calorie crawlers. Are you choosing to bulk up first? Or build strength? I also follow Jim Wendler as my boyfriend has unfortunately ground it into me. Sometimes I think hes obsessed, ha! I think its great you're using the 531, even as a woman I have found that very effective.
Posts: 13
Good luck. Attempting to start some off-season physical training myself. Good luck and will be fascinated to read how much the physical stuff helps your bowling speed.
Posts: 129
Thanks guys.
Michelle i been following iit a little while going gym twice a week during the season where i made some slow gains but i think now iv moved it to three times a week i should get some more progress. Looking to gain strength. At 13 stone 12 probably quite heavy for a pace bowler already.
Today I was on my floor press day. 5 minute foam rolling. followed by:
hip fexor stretch 10 sec each side
8 squat to stands
forearm wall slidesx5
yoga pressup by 7
5 pressups
side lunges 8 each side
two warm up sets for floor press then
5 reps of 55 kg
5 reps of 62.5
6 reps of 72.5
followed with assistance work of
3x3 barbell rows
then 3x5 standing landmine press each arm supersetted with tbar rows 3 by 12
2x5 barbell rollouts
Posts: 129
Last night before bed i foam rolled then did a quick mobility session:
8 squat to stands
hip flexor stretch
yoa pressup by 5
pec stretch using door frame http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_perform...
yoga plex http://www.ericcressey.com/increasing-pitching-velocity-improve-stride-l... video on section 4
kneeling lat stretch
Posts: 129
Last night before bed i foam rolled then did a quick mobility session:
8 squat to stands
hip flexor stretch
yoa pressup by 5
pec stretch using door frame http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/sports_body_training_perform...
yoga plex http://www.ericcressey.com/increasing-pitching-velocity-improve-stride-l... video on section 4
kneeling lat stretch
Posts: 5540
BIG fan of the foam rolling here. Keep up the good work!
Posts: 129
Thanks David. Yeah Iv been foam rolling for a while. Others think Im mad. get a few odd looks from people at the gym when i take it with me but people are getting used to it quickly. Find it difficult to foam roll my lats very well so any tips would be great.
Toady at gym. Foam rolled then.
Hip flexor mobilizations 8 each side
8 squat to stands
kneeling abductor mobilisations
yoga pressups by 5
glute bridge with reach. 4 each side
side lunges 8 each side
Powercleans 47.5, 55, 62.5 kg by 5
3x5 front squats
2x5 single legged glute bridge each leg
2x8 stifflegged deadlifts
2x8 each side pallofpress
Few notes. I dont post weights for assistance exercises because they are just that, assistance. They are there to support my main lifts so are changeable dependent on time, energy etc.
I am following a few loose rules however:
match every push exercise with at least one pull
at least one single legged exercise on lower body days
never kill yourself on assistance work
rotate core work flexion, rotation, anti rotation and ab rollouts (whatever this comes under lol)
Posts: 129
quick one today. last night did a bowling technique sessions. next time going to include the high knees drill mr pont recommends. did a set of ten on the exercises i did previously for this.
Posts: 129
gym and a bowling technique session today. First at gym second at home after a couple hours.
foam rolled: hammies glutes, IT band, hip flexors, lower back, thoratic spine, lats and did some thoratic spine extensions.
warm up consisted of squat to stands, pressups, scap pressups, forearm wall slides, forearm wall slides with band, face pulls with band, rotator cuff extensions)
chin ups 5,5,5,4,2 (trying to hit 5x5) supersetted with bodyweight spilt squats and lateral lunges
two warm up sets of press. the 3x45kg, 3x50, 3x 55. Worked out the first two sets wrong both 2.5kg too high. All these supersetted same weight with 5 reps of Barbell rows
2 x 8 each side incline press
2x5 each side single arm rows
3x10 press
3x10 leg raises
Technique work:
10 x front foot, drop step block drill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k554cCLbOXI&feature=relmfu
10x http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V00h2kKq_wU both the first two progressions on this video
8 reps of going through action holding a can is non bowling arm as previously mentioned
5x 3 knees walk through drill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT54Hj6nNT8
10 by http://www.ericcressey.com/increasing-pitching-velocity-improve-stride-l...
Posts: 129
Todays workout:
warm up. lower body mobility drills
2 warm sets of of deads then, 3 x 65kg 3 by 75 kg 10 x 85 kg
3x8 good mornings
2x5 each leg reverse lunge
3x5 cable pull throughs
3x5 each side wide stance cable rotations
good session. Started taking creatine again so hoping this'll have an effect soon. Do some foam rolling and some bowling technique drills later on i think.
Very interesting article on kettle bells swings on Tnation http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/are_heavy_kettle... well worth a read. Great exercise and will definitely be making its way into my routine at some point.
Posts: 129
Last night completed some foam rolling drills, used a hockey ball for myofascial release of the pecs and stretch the pecs and lats. I followed this with a set of 8 yoga-plexes on each side and a set of 5 lying windmills on each arm. Feel a weird crunch sometimes when i do the windmill on the arm feels really strange. With the shoulder mobility exercises its paramount to really use the thoracic spine and scapula to rotate the arm. Having only worked this out recently (because I have a terrible habit of not reading articles online properly) I've started to feel positive effects from this. Followed these with lying quadruped thoracic spine extensions.
technique work
8xdrop step block
5x four tent pegs drill
5xthree knees drill
8 of each the two braced front leg progressions previously cited.
10 reps of going through action with weight in front hand (from hereonin can rotations)
I decided to to merge together bowling technique drills and shoulder mobility work as it seemed a sensible course of action. Adequate mobility is essential to good technique in any exercise. I focus on shoulder mobility here as my hips tend to get a good amount of attention during my gym sessions and through the three knees drill.
I feel rather sickly today so for the next couple of days i'm going to focus my attentions
on adequate recover. Plenty of sleep, good food and vitamin C.
Posts: 129
Feel better after resting and mega dosing on vitamin C. Yesterday I foam rolled and did some light static stretching.
Another great article on swings http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/mostmy_recent/the_metabolic_...
going to definitely put the wall drill into my lower body warm up.
Posts: 129
forgot to mention i foam rolled the other day with the girlfriend. Trying to spread the word on it. Right yesterday was a gym session. Like normal foam rolled followed by a warm up which included press ups, scap pressups, forearm wall slides and squat to stands.
Chin ups 5,5,5,4,4. Between sets I did cable external rotations as a filler. Always good to fill up rest intervals if possible with light work
two warm up floorpress sets with an empty bar then
floorpress: 3x57.5 3x65 5x75kg
3x5 60 kg barbell rows supersetted with sets of 3 single arm dumbell push presses. Left arm feels a lot weaker and going to attempt to address this soon enough
3x 8 face pulls super setted with
3x6 each side pallof presses (sore sides today owch)
Was a god workout. Left with plenty in the tank. Was watching some javlelin throwing technique videos today. Surprising how similar the techniques to quick bowling and javelin is.
Posts: 5540
Floor press is my new favourite.
Posts: 129
Did another technique. Started with a long foam rolling session flowed by shoulder mobility work and static stretching of the pecs lats and shoulders. Was limited in space (ie floor space) so did yoga plex and thoracic extensions for shoulder mobility work. Did a set of 8 of three knees drill. 10 rounds of the four tent pegs drill and 8 can rotations.
Posts: 129
Did a weight sessions session the other day.
foam rolling and warm up including hip hingeing exercise previously mentioned, squat to stands, side lunges and squat jumps
powercleans 3x50 3 x 57.5 3 x65
front squat 5x3 52.5
single leg glute bridges with barbell 2x5 each leg
barbell rollouts 3x5
Posts: 129
Did a bowling technique session today:
10 rounds of 4 tent peg drill
6 rounds of three knees drill
8 can rotations
10 sets of each of the first two progressions of the aforementioned video
and i did an exercise for which i have no name. theres a picture of it in Mr Ponts Fast Bowlers bible where you grab an immovable object behind you with the bowling hand and practice bringing your right hip through first. teaching hip drive. similar to exercise at 1.31 on this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxJnPUqF9i8
Posts: 129
gym today
foam rolled on focusing on my hips and lats and thoracic spine with extensions
warm up included press ups, yoga press ups, scap pressups, quadraped thoracic extensions, forearm wall slides
chin ups 5,5,5,5,3
1 warm up set then 5x45kg, 3x52.5kg ad 1 by 57.5kg
supersetted with 3x5 barbell rows
triset of dumbell chest supported row, weighted pressups and rear deltraises
cable rotations
Posts: 129
Been having a torrid time recently with my asthma, being ill and being stiff. So I amended my workout yesterday to make it fairly easy but getting in some work still.
No foam rolling as i left my foam roller at home and was away. I did a lot of lower body mobility stuff such as squat to stands, bowler squats, side lunges, lunges, hip flexor extensions and hip hinges to loosen up.
then dead lift. One set of warm up then 5x70kg, 3 by80 then 1 by 90 (although i knew i could do loads more i left it here feeling crap and all) Im glad i did as i was having some spasms after this, although it feel like this was the back loosening.
glute ham raise 2 sets
pull ups
reverse dumbell lunges
lat pull downs
pallof presses 3 sets
medicine ball rotational pass (to the girlfriends)
chest pass
hanging leg raises 3x8
kept all assistance work low so it didnt kill me.
Posts: 129
Better gym session today. Not quite at full 'strength' but still had a pretty good work out. lower back aching so adjusted assistance to limit affect
Foam rolled and warmed up with scap pressups, yoga pressups, lying side windmills, quadraped thoracic extensions, hip flexor stretches
4 sets of chins. 5553 supersetted with cuff rotator external rotations
floor press 62.5x5, 72.5x3 80x4
inverted rows 3 sets
facepulls 3x8
kneeling landmine press 3 sets
elevated bulgarian split squat bodyweight 3x5
Finished with 5 minutes of foam rolling
Was suffering some cramp today too. Not sure where that came from hopefully it wont be too problematic.
Can you suggest some drills or things
to do, to improve concentration while
batting in cricket?
I am able to watch the ball leave the
bowlers hand. But then I loose it, when
its about to hit the pitch. I need to watch
the ball till it hits the bat.
Also what are good ways to practice
watching the ball reach your bat?
Posts: 129
A couple days ago i did a technique session incorporating all i'd done before. i tried to practice landing on a straight leg off a three step run up and found it very difficult still, so Im going to to carry on working on drills.
Yesterday had another gym sessions. finally felt back to full strength.
Foam rolling and warm up which included hip hinges, squat to stands, lunges, squats, one leg rdl, glute bridges, abductor mobilisations.
A few squat jumps and empty bar high pulls to warm up
5x 55kg, 3x62.5, 2x70kg
Front squat to box 5,5,9 55kg
barbell glute bridges 4 sets
3x5 rdls
2 sets of 30kg each hand farmers walk
Posts: 129
Posts: 129
Been adding in additional unweighted sets of one leg glute bridges on off days. wanting to gets some extra glute work in and these never seem to cause any soreness.
Technique session today. started with some stretching and usual mobility drills for shoulder and hips
10 by four tent pegs
6 can rotations
10 by front foot block
10 by front footblock and drag
8 by frontfootblock drag with arms
finished with a set each side of reverse lunge with dumbell rotations (hoping this might teach the lower half to work different to upper)
Posts: 129
gym session yesterday. foam rolled followed by upper body warm up including band pull aparts, yoga press ups, forearm wall slides, scap push ups, lying side windmills.
Decided to leave the barbell alone this week. Eric cresey recommends this every now and then to not put pressure on the joints so much,
chins 55543 supersetted with rotator cuff work
dumbell press 12kg,14,16s by 5
weighted close grip press ups
cable rows
rear delt raise
3x5 barell rollouts
cable rotations
Posts: 129
3 days ago another gym session
foam rolled and lower body warm ups
3x5 deadlift 60,60,60
reverse lunge 2x5
good mornings 3x8
front squat to box 3x2
palloff press 3x6
Posts: 129
two days back
foam rolled and warm up for upper body including. 3 point thoracic extensions, lying side windmills, yoga press ups, band pull aparts, 'no money' drill, for arm wall slides, scap push ups
deload still so no Barbell and low weights
chin ups (full ROM, dead hang) 33334
dumbell floor press 3x5
chest supported dumbell row 3x5
landmine press 6,5,4
cable face pulls 5,8,8
hanging leg raise 3x5
3x6 elevated bulgarian split squat
today i did 3 quick sets of drills
8 high knees drill
5 front foot block
5 front foot block and drag
5 ffb and d with arms
Posts: 129
Yesterday foam rolled and did some hip mobilisation and shoulder flexibility drills
followed by
10 kettle bell swings
1x8 single leg glute bridges
10 high knees drill reps
skipped for 8 minutes
Posts: 129
gym session yesterday
foam rolled then warm up including squats to stands, hip mobilisations, lateral lunges, hip hinges, sitting in a squat position, hip bridges, lunges
3x5 50kg powercleans
3x5 57.5kg squat to box
3x5 barbell glute bridges
2x6 one leg rdls
quite a few sets of one legged squats descending on two legs up on one
barbell rolouts 3x5
one handed carries 20 metres
side plank
Iv found with squat to stands 'pushing' the legs out as u raise seems to stretch the hamstrings nearer the glutes
this article seems pretty good in explaining progressions in the one legged squat http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/breaking_down_th...
Im going to use these to try and build stronger legs
Posts: 129
to a box for one legged squats*
Posts: 129
two days ago:
intervals of skipping and can rotation drill (5 sets of 50 skips as fast as possible, then 5 can rotations between each set of skipping)
4x3 of high knee drill really trying to squeeze the hip flexor in each rep
yesterday: Gym session
foam rolled and then upper body warm up including No money drill, forearm wall slides, yogapresups, lying side windmills, scap pushups, pressups, three point thoracic extensions.
chin ups dead hang 4,4,4,3 supersetted with cable rotator cuff external rotations
press 5x42.5 5x47.5 5x52.5 supersetted with barbell rows
sets of band resisted press ups supersetted with rear delt raises
cable rotations
one arm carries
Posts: 129
also during the technique session the other day i held both the 'gather' and 'reslease' positions of the four tent pegs in 3 x 10 seconds static holds
Posts: 129
Gym yesterday
mobility work and warm up including kettlebell swings, hip hinging, squat to stands, hip flexor, mobilisations, abductor mobilisations
555 deadlift 70,80,90
backsquats 554 up to 80kg
medicine ball reverse lunge and twist
hanging leg raises
one legged rdls no weight then 10 kgs
worked out with my gf. got her deadlifting and squatting very happy times. looked better than me too.
foam rolled and stretched in the evening
Posts: 129
today i i foamed rolled and did some mobility work including hip flexor stretches, hip hinges, various bodyweight squats, thoracic extensions and yogaplexes.
then proceeded to do bowling technique drills
10 by 4 tent pegs
8 by three knees drill
15 can rotations
5 by front foot block
5 by front foot block and drag
Posts: 129
gym today
foam rolled and upper body warmup including pressups, 3 point thoracic extensions. 'no money', band pull aparts, forearm wall slides, scap pressups and thoracic extensions on the foam roller.
ful ROM chins 4444. In between did some cable external rotations and some pressups
floor press 55x5, 65x5,72.5x7
3x5 dumbell rows
barbell landmine press 3x5
face pulls 3x8
stretched and did mobilisations exercises between sets
Posts: 129
gym again today
foamed rolled and used hockey ball on piriformis upper hamstrings and then warm up:
squats to stands
hip hinges
side lunges
abductor mobilisations
wall squats.
3x5 powerclean 52.5, 60, 67.5
3x5 front squats to box 60kg
3x5 barbell hip bridges
2x5 one legged squats (two legs eccentric one leg concentric)
2x8 sliding leg curls
5,8 barbel rollouts
Posts: 129
foam rolled and use hocky ball on piriformis, hip flexors, pecs and rotator cuff
did some hip flexor stretches, yoga plex shoulder mobility some abductor mobilisations, squat to stands, one leg rdl's* and weightless split squats
them some technique drills.
5 high knees drill
5 can rotations
10 front foot block
10 four tent pegs
Posts: 129
* http://bretcontreras.com/2011/09/the-single-leg-rdl/
strong article on RDLs, an exercise i have repeatedly struggled with.
Alongside this iv started to find doing rdls with your back to the wall, tensing the glute of the non weight bearing leg and 'reaching' for the wall behind with the same leg is helping me develop a better technique
Posts: 129
Gym session
lost foam roller well left on train so cant roll atm. so instead used hockey ball on piriformis, hip flexors, pecs, rotator cuff and hamstrings
upper body mobility work. band pull aparts, no money drills, scap push ups, yoga pressups, forearm wall slides, 3 point thoracic extensions.
chins 4,4,4,4,4
2x8 cable external rotations
3x45 kg, 3x50kg, 3x55kg supersetted with barbell rows 3x5
chest supported dumbell row 3x5 supersetted with 3x6 elevated band push ups
3x5 one legged squat to bench (2 down 1 up) supersetted with 3x8 rear delt raises
3x6 cable rotations
Posts: 129
gym session yesterday.
warm up (no foam roller left it on a train!)
couple sets of goblet squats
5x60,70,80 kg 3x90 kg
deadlift 3x 70,80,90
one legged rdls 3x5 each leg no weight
3x10 kettlebell swings
today i did some mobilization exercises for 10 minutes including rdls, band pulls aparts, abductor mobilisations, hip flexor mobilisations, yoga plex, thoracic extensions
then did some drills
10 byfront foot block,
10 by front foot block and drag,
5 by front foot block, drag with arms
10 by high knees drill
5 by can rotations
5 by four tent pegs
follwed by 5 minutes of skipping
Posts: 129
gym yesterday
warm up with normal upper body mobility work plus some work on my shoulders and pecs with a hocky ball.
44444 chin ups with a couple of sets of cable external rotations
3x60 3x70 5 x 77.5kg floor press supersetted with barbell rows (underhand grip)
cable rows 3x5
3x5 hanging leg raise
3x5 kneeling landmine press
3x6 palloff press
Posts: 129
10 high knees
10 front foot block
10 front foot block and drag
5 front foot block drag and arms
12 can rotations
5 four tent pegs
gym today:
warm up
55x3 62.5x3 70kgx3
62.5 kg front squat 3x5
3x5 barbell hip thrusts
2x3 1x4 reverse lunge
one legged squats (two legs down 1 up)
3x5 barbell rollouts
2x5 one leg rdls
3x8 sliding leg curls
Posts: 129
yesterday I did 15 minutes of drills. Varying amounts of high knees, four tent pegs, drop step front foot block. then with drag, then with drag and arms, high knees into (and out of ) front foot block drag and arms.
today and yesterday did some mobilty work. Did steps 3-8 of the agile 8 by DeFrance (google it) plus some myofascial release of the pec/shoulder area. some lat stretch, pec stretches thoracic extensions and lying side windmills.
Today i also did a few dorsal raises. Going to try and incorporate some lower back work into my 'core work' as i think this area is a little weak
lilley... very impressive!
Remind me where I saw you and your name please?
It would be 100% worth you spending Β£10 to get Ultimate Pace Secrets, which is the follow on from The Fast Bowler's Bible and can be bought here: https://shop.maverickscricket.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BOOK003
Good luck chum
Posts: 129
Hi Ian I attended your pace bowling workshop in Epsom in April.
Don't worry its on my Christmas list so I'll have my mits on it soon.
Do you think a 3-4 mph gain in pace over a single preseason is possible?
thanks Ian please keep up the good work
Posts: 129
Yesterday I i did some hip mobilityt work again, today I did the same thing this morning and this afternoon I attended the gym
press 5,3,1 working up to 60kg which i failed (will lower this now to build back up)
neutral grip chins
4x5 back raises
one arm rows
cable rows
kettlebell press
bench press
after gym i did some drills
8 by 4tp
6front foot block
6front foot block and drag
12 ffbd and arms
Posts: 129
Yesterday was a lower body gym day followed by a game of squash, both with my girlfriend.
i did an incredibly rushed warm up (not wise) and then squatted
60 70 80 90 x5
then a couple warm up sets of deadlifts then
75 85 95 (5,3,4) dead lifts.
despite being a very short gym session was actually happy with it (minus the warm up)
today i did 15 minutes of mobility drills and some hockey ball work on shoulders, chest and piriformis
I followed this with 15 minutes of drills
i did man sets of drills today with my eyes closed and this seemed to help with them.
this all inuclded
front foot block
front foot block and drag
front foot block drag with arms
high knees drill
high knees into ffbd with arms
can rotations
considering these are only static drills/walk-through drills, I'm already starting to find power out of them as the momentum is making me go into a mini jog in the exit strides
Posts: 129
gym session yesterday
warm up and mobility stuff
chins 557 paired with eternal rotations and some more hip mobility things
floor press 5,3,1 65,75,82.5
press/underhand barbell row superset 3x8
facepull 3x8
cable rotations 3x6
Posts: 129
today i spent 15 minutes on mobility drills, shoulder and hip mostly.
then i spent 15 minutes doing regular bowling drills which i follwed with some heidens
7 minutes skipping followed by some wrist rolling with a kettle bell, rope and old dumbell handle. Did this to see if it works. It did
Posts: 129
Gym session yesterday
warm up, longer than normal due to feeling extra stiff and with some concerns over squat mobility
5,3,2 powerclean 60, 67.5, 75
front squat 4x3 65kg
barbell hip thrusts 3x5
spilt squat 3x5
barbell rollouts 3x5 superestted with sliding hamstring curls with band 3x8
Posts: 129
gym session yesterday
warm up and mobility work for shoulders
de load week
chins 556 with external rotations
dunmbell press 3x5/ 3x6 head supported dumbell rows/rear delt raises 3x8 tri sets
cable rows one arms
hanging leg raise bent knee 3x7
treadmill push 20/30/40/50//40/30/20
Posts: 129
gym on thursay
warm up including goblet squats
squat 20 60 70 80 90 by 5 then 90 by 3
back raises 3x10
bulgarian goat swing 2x8
cable putt throughs 2x8
pallof press 3x6
Posts: 129
upper body gym yesterday and as its de load week i mixed it up a bit
dumbell floor press 3x5 supersetted with one arm dumbell rows 3x8
incline bodyweight rows 3x7 on smith machine doing smith hurdles as a filler for the hips
one arm cable chest press 3x8
face pulls 3x8
2x8 press ups
2 by 8 swiss ball press up
20/40/60/40/30/20 treadmill push ladder
Posts: 129
in the am a hip and shoulder mobility sessions and in the pm gym
Last session of de load week ( good as these feel boring eventually)
decent warm up, a lot of hip mobility work, squats and lunges
3x3 speed deadlifts at 40kg to warm up for powercleans
5x40 5x45 5x50 (put some hip mobility work in here too between sets)
spilt squats 1x5 body weight 1x5 20kg 2x5 40 kg
3x5 barbell glute bridge
3x6 sliding leg curls
5,6,6 barbell rollouts
Posts: 129
also in the am did a set of 8 can rotations after my mobility session
Posts: 129
yesterday i did a hip/shoulder mobility session wich included but not limited to:
tennis bll on piriformis/glute/behind shoulder
hocky ball work on psas/feet/pec/front of shoulder
doorway pec stretch
kneeling one sided lat stretch
lying side windills
hop flexor mobilisations
external rotations of the hips
abductor mobilisations
groin stretches
i followed this up with
front foot block
front footblock and drag
front foot block drag and arms (about 10 each)
Posts: 129
gym today
upper body
shoulder mobility work with some glute bridge and bodyweight squats
1x5 20kg press 2x3 speed presses 20kg
40x5 push press 45 x5 50x5 supersetted with barbell row
dumbell head supported rows 3x6 supersetted with varieties of push ups with a band
cable rows 3x6
1x8 1x10 bent hanging leg raises
Posts: 129
been a while since i posted
I had four four gym sessions since my last post and i havent remembered exactly what i did in each. So Il give a little taster.
first sessions was squat and dead lift. I worked my way up to a 100kg squat for two reps. 3x5 deadlift up to 95 then i did a 2x120
floor press 3x5 up to 75 in this session i did a lot of rowing one armed
powerclean 3x5 up to 70 (exhausting), split squats barbell glute bridge, back extensions, ab rollout
2x3 1x4 push press up to 55, lots of one arm rowing, cable rotations
Iv also been doign a lot of tennis ball work and working on hip mobility. I think the has been a little improvement.
started foam rolling again now
done a couple of sessions on extra mobility and bowling drills although this has been slacking an need to do more
been finishing off somne gym sessions with treadmill pushes
Posts: 129
gym session this morning. Foam rolled and hip mobility work.
squats bar x5 40x3 (fast) 40 x2 fast
deadlifts 40 x3 fast 50x3 fast 77.5x5 87.5 x3 100x3
cable pull throughs 3x7
bulgarian spilt squat 12kg3x5
back extensions 2x8 bodyweight 1x6 10kg
a couple of light sets of sumo deads
debating makign some changes in my programme over the next couple weeks. thinking of factoring out powercleans for the time being and replacing with sumo deads, and focusing on split squats a lot more to build up leg strength. iv noticed my core is weak/technique is poor on powercleans and feel im nto probably getting a huge amount out of them
Posts: 129
had a gym session a few days back
foam rolled and warmed up, shoulder mobility work
chins 556 supersetted with external rotations
3x3 floor press 62,75,82 supersetted with floor wall slides
3x6 supported dumbell rows
face pull
2x5 bulgarian spilt squat 16kg
3x6 bent leg hanging leg raises, 3x8 reverse crunch and russian tiwsts
between gym sessions iv been foam rolling and working on mobility
slacking on technique work atm sowll try and sort that
Posts: 129
couple of gym session this week
usual foam rolling and mobility work
3x3 powerclean 57.5 67.5 75
3x5 bulgarian split squat 16kg
barbell glute bridge 3x5
8,7,6 barbell rollout
second sessions
usual warm up
pull up 1 1 1 3
push press 5, 3, 2 50 55 60 and warm up sets
supported dumbell rows 3x5 (20kg dumbells)
blocked 90/90 split squts. I got this exercise from robertson training systems and for sure seems to make u load the posterior chain a whole lot better which can only be a good thing. eliminates ability to cheat http://robertsontrainingsystems.com/blog/blocked-90-90-split-squats/
3x6 facepull
band resisted iso pallof presses
side planks x2
between these iv been rolling and doing various hip mobility work
Posts: 129
two gym sessions between xmas and now
deadlift 531 83.5 92.5 105
dumbell split squat
swiss ball leg curl
ab work
532floor press 70 80 87.5
pull up 2,3,2,2
dumbell head supported row 3x5
supersetted with
pressup 3x8
side planks 2x30 seconds each side
Posts: 129
two gym sessions between xmas and now
deadlift 531 83.5 92.5 105
dumbell split squat
swiss ball leg curl
ab work
532floor press 70 80 87.5
pull up 2,3,2,2
dumbell head supported row 3x5
supersetted with
pressup 3x8
side planks 2x30 seconds each side
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o an on the second session 3x5 split squat
Posts: 129
o an on the second session 3x5 split squat
Posts: 129
right considering the xmas period a deload and am now starting 531 again. new year and new start and all that. Just finished reading 531 on the kindle, currently reading starting strength by mark rippetoe and have learnta huge amount about squatting already, which is good as i can squat now at my new spit and sawdust gym also just recieved ultimate pace serets in the post. excited to read!
Today i started my gym session with a ruushed foam rolling and hip mobility work
a few sets of warm up squats and then 3x5 60 70 75
gym only has 2.5 plates so need to purchase some 1.25s
3x3 speed deadifts
2x5 split squat
2x10 backraises
a few sets of 2 or 4 pull ups
then when i got home after flickingthrough pace sevreets i practices holding the first three tent pegs
Posts: 129
found the1.25 plates now i looked proper. enjoying a decent gym.
two gym sessions
warm up (forgot roller so just mobility)
3x5 squat
sets of pull ups
556 bench (overestimated ability here inferred from floor press) 60 70 77.5 plus warm up sets
3x5 chest supported row
2x5 split squats
then today
foam rolling and hip mobility work and warm up
3x5 lightsquats at 50kg
558 deadlifts plus 2 warm up sets
2x5 split squat
3x5 rdls
3x30 secs /perside side planks
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today held the first 3 tent pegsr 30 seconds by 2 then some roam rolling
Posts: 129
first net session of the year. mixed bag with bowling. especially with pace a few deliveries it seemed t click and came out fast and straight but also some rubbish. mre work on three tent pegs needed
Posts: 129
first net session of the year. mixed bag with bowling. especially with pace a few deliveries it seemed t click and came out fast and straight but also some rubbish. mre work on three tent pegs needed
Posts: 129
first net session of the year. mixed bag with bowling. especially with pace a few deliveries it seemed t click and came out fast and straight but also some rubbish. mre work on three tent pegs needed
Posts: 129
first net session of the year. mixed bag with bowling. especially with pace a few deliveries it seemed t click and came out fast and straight but also some rubbish. mre work on three tent pegs needed
Posts: 129
gym session yersterday, foam roled an warm up then
3x5 press with warm up sets 35 40 45
supersetted with variations of chins and pulls
press up 3x8 superseted with 3x7 dumbell rows
some lat pull downs
2x8 face pulls
Posts: 129
2 gym sessions
foam roll and warm up
337 squats plus two warms ups building up to 80 kg then 1x 90 100 105
3x8 back extensions
3x2 speed deadlifts
2x7 hip thrusts
2x 30s side planks
then conditioning was a pyramid of burpees 9-1 hard to complete now just to do it faster
today foam rolled and warm up
335 bench press up to 77.5 then 1x 85 1x90 supersetted with pulls up 2/3
2x7 cable rows
3x8 chest supported row with close grip pressups
1x8 band external rotations
1x45s side plank
yesterday i held three tent pegs 30s x 2, 3rd peg weakest need to add extra ones in that positon, some reps holding a door frame and bring hip through and some can rotations
testd and foudn a few mobility issues, addressing my thoracic spine issues at the moment, got the tests from a gray cook book
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no gym for a while cos of work issues and weather making it difficult hoping to return tomorrow
since iv been doing some mobility work foam rolling stretching and doing static three trent peg drills, focusing mainly on tent peg three which i struggle with.
Thoracic spine seems looser in ways but still not passing the test for extension but seems like im getting closer,
Posts: 129
back to the gym today.
light squats
then 3x3 deadlifts working up to 100 kg
Russian twist
2x8 back raises
1 sets of leg raises
finished with 7 minutes of intervals on the cross trainer
Posts: 129
back to the gym today.
light squats
then 3x3 deadlifts working up to 100 kg
Russian twist
2x8 back raises
1 sets of leg raises
finished with 7 minutes of intervals on the cross trainer
Posts: 129
gym yesterday, long shoulder mobility inthe morning with static holds of three tent pegs then gym in the early pm
general warm up then
3x5 plus 2x5 just bar warm up 50 kg squats
2 warm up sets then 3,3,5of 37.5 42.5 and 47.5 press, superestted with x2 pull ups between each sets, and a couple sets of external roations and a few other mobility bits
3x7 dumbell pullovers (yes becasue pitchvision advocated it recently)
2x5 chest supported dumbell rows
2x7 one arm dumbell rows
3x30s planks/3x7 side raises
finished with a reverse ladder of burpees 9-4 but was very fatigued by this point. possibly becasue of lack of water
Posts: 129
gym yesterday, long shoulder mobility inthe morning with static holds of three tent pegs then gym in the early pm
general warm up then
3x5 plus 2x5 just bar warm up 50 kg squats
2 warm up sets then 3,3,5of 37.5 42.5 and 47.5 press, superestted with x2 pull ups between each sets, and a couple sets of external roations and a few other mobility bits
3x7 dumbell pullovers (yes becasue pitchvision advocated it recently)
2x5 chest supported dumbell rows
2x7 one arm dumbell rows
3x30s planks/3x7 side raises
finished with a reverse ladder of burpees 9-4 but was very fatigued by this point. possibly becasue of lack of water
Posts: 129
yesterday at the gym was a squat day
in the morning i did a thoracic spine mobility session. use of tennis ball and foam roller on the region followed by some thoracic spine extensions with a twist:
lie on the foam roller with it underneath your thoracic spine and anchor your hands in a supinated position under something, ie. a sofa, then whilst maintaining a strong stomach and push your bottom down towards the floor. Anyone who does extensions on the roller will feel a big difference
right so at gym did a warm up which started with foam rolling then this http://www.mobilitywod.com/2012/01/episode-363-pre-squat-hip-opener-mob-...
i must say this is one of the better things iv come across in terms of loosening the hips for squatting, will deffo be a part of heavy squatting warm up for some time
then a mixture of other lower body activation stuff
then 2x5x bar, 1x5x40 ,2x3x60, 5x70 3x 77.5 1x87.5, 1x 95 1x102.5
was unbelted this week so why i didnt hit 105 like last time but still happy
2x8 back extensions
2x5 single leg back extensions
3x8 bodyweight lunges
this workout looks easy but i hurt like hell today, and it bloody hurt whilst lunging
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gym and net today
warm up then
bench 2x5xbar, 1x5 1x3x40 1x3x60 3x67.5 3x75 1 x80 1x85 1x90
supersetted with
2 or 3 reps of pull ups
3x6 chest supported rows
3x8 face pull with pressups/incline
1x7 external rotations
1 hours net session, real mix again. however wen it came out right it was getting quicker
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nets yesterday bowlings coming a long finding some pace and swing, controls not perfect but improving.
gym today, very quick sessions as mentally tired
warm up and foam rolled
3x5x50 squats
1x4x60 1x5x87.5 1x3x97.5 1x1x110
3x10 back raises, last set 10kg weight plate held to chest
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on the 9th: deload sessions starting this week so greatly reduced barbell work
foam rolling and shoulder mobility work then:
4x5 dumbell press supersetted with x3 pull ups
3x6 dumbell pullovers/ 3x6 dumbells rows
3 each side side planks on back extension/ chins
4x8 facepull
yesterday some foam rolling/ hockyball work with hip and hamstring mobility work
Posts: 129
been lazy and deloading up til yesterday, stil the occasional foam rolling and stretching sessions but got back into the gym yesterday:
foam rolled then an abridges version of 'agile 8' warm up i mentioned earlier in this forum
squats 2x5xbar 5x50 3x50 62.5x5 72.5x5 82.5x5
20, 16, 10 back extensions
3x7 barbell rollouts
plate pushes (pusing 20k plate around gym on weight belt)
Posts: 129
on the 21st i did a gym session:
foam rolelr at home
warm up and tennsi ball work at gym
bench 20x5x3 40x5 50x5 60x5 72x5 82x3/ supersetted with sets of three pull ups
4 sets of chest supported row
6886 incline dumbell press
2x side plank on back extension
external rotations
and a few chins
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agile 8 warm up
front squat 2x5xbar 3x3x50kg
deadlift 60x5 70x3 80x5 90x5 102.5x7
3x8 barbell hip thrusts
2x8 dumbell swings
some upper body mobility work then cricket nets< bowled not very well started to find some rhythm towards the end once i started actively
bracing front leg
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gym yesterday
agile 8 for hips at home
simple 6 for upper body warm up at gym with a couple sets of pressups
(simple 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=cgxr6xAB5Z)
2x5xbar 1x3x30, 35x5 40x5 45 x5 Press/ first three sets supersetted with 3x5 just bar back suats, second three sets with pulls ups x 3)
3x6 dumbell pullover/3x8 dumbell row
triset: 3x8 facepull/3x8 lat pull down/2x20s/side band resisted pallof press
8 plate pushes
Posts: 129
today i did the agile 8 series for my hips, trying to do this as a minimum mobility work everyday atm.
Posts: 129
gym yesterday:
agile 8 then
squats with barx5x2 40x5 60x3 65x5 75x3 85x5 90x1 95x1 100x1 102,5x1
20 20 16 back extensions
3x5 walking lunges
4x7 ab rollouts
Posts: 129
wed night net sessions:
bowling wasnt great again i need to find a better control of length, although generally the line was better. Target practice needed.
Batting was the best in a practice yet. hit a few real drives and despite knicking off a couple times actually didnt get bowled (although lucky a coupel times)
thursday gym sessions:
agile 8 and simple 6
2xbarx5 3x5x55 squat
bench 2x20x5 5x30 4x50 3x65 3x75 82.5x3 +1 after a re rack/with sets of 5 rows first three sets then sets of three pull ups
8876 dumbell incline press with 4x10 facepulls
3x20 s/perside palloff press with fgreen band
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sunday i played squash for 45 minutes so i consider this conditioning
tuesday gym session
was a crap sessions today as tweaked my lower back so had to take it easy, and a general lack of time as well
warmup: agile 8 plus walking rdls
5,3,2 60kg dead 75x3 85x3 95x3 107.5x3 (penultimate set i didnt balance the bar on weight on each sie and tweaked back)
1x5 barbell hip thrusts (gave in after this cos of back)
4x8 pullthroughs
4x7 rollouts
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on the 14th:
warm up as simple 6 plus foam rolled abductors and adductors IT band and ball on piriformis
2x5xbar press 2x30 3x37.5 3x45 4x50 all supersetted with x 3 pull (last set 4 and a half reps..so four but it was so close)
667 supported row
7x4 pullover with 4x10 facepull
15, 10 dumbbell row
10 plate pushes
and today (18/3)
agile 8 warm up plus hips opening sequence from mobility wod, knees together inside leg stretch, leg swings
2x5x bar squat, 4x30 4x50 3x60 5x70 3x80 1x90 1x100 kg
20,16,15 back extensions
3x20s pallof press
3x3 front squat.
Iv also purchased myself a 2kg medicine ball now so im hoping to start including this as some upper body speed work.
on the 17th I played another one hour of squash where Im improving, im hoping squash will help hand eye co-ordination and agility
Posts: 129
today i used my new medicine ball. the workout I undertook was:
3x5/per side medicine ball shot puts into wall
2x5 overhead throws (off of one leg like bowling) into wall
1x5per side rotational wall passes
=50 throws
in all honestly how poor i was at throwing this ball hard was a revelation, probably partly technical but also how i lack throwing speed.
I am going give myself a set number of throws i need to do per week as my way of keeping track, this week i want to throw 100. So fifty left (week is monday to monday)
Posts: 129
yesterday was a gym and and cricket net session.
gym was:
warm up. agile 8 and simple 6
2xbar x 5 squat 5x 40,50,60
bench 20x5x2 40x5 50x5 60x3 67.5x5 77.5x3 85x2
followed by sets of 2 or 3 pullups
4x8 dumbell press/4x8 one arm rows
3x8 facepull
couple sets of lat pull downs
a few supported pull ups
cricket for an hour. didnt bat. bowled faster, had a few comments on it, but was wayward until i slowed down my run up. bowed a couple of first teamers with jaffers
50 med ball throws to reach my 100 target
10 recoil rollovers
10 overhead slamms
10 each side split stance overhead throws (20)
5 med ball shot puts (10) per side
Posts: 129
Thursday gym sessions
foam rolled and warm up
2xbarx5 front squat, 30x4 40x4 50x4
dead 60 x4 60x3 70x3 90x5 102.5 x3 115x 4
4x7 barbell hip thrusts
3x5 rdls
Sunday: 40 minutes of squash
Posts: 129
sunday evening i undertook a long foamrolling/hockey ball and mobilisation session
ball on soles of feets, calves, piriformis and psoas
foam rolled it band adductors abductors hip flexor lats, shits and traps
supine straight let raise x6
kneeling rock back by 6
lying knee to knee pull in x8
supine bridge x 8
side lying clam by 8
thoracic extensions x8
seated 90 90 mobilisations x8
wall ankle mobilisation by 8
Posts: 129
26th march:
foam rolled then undertook a eric cressey warm up
10 split stance med throws
10 med ball slams
10 recoil rollover
5 chest passes
5 per side sideways pass
666 assisted pullups
2x5x20 bar 45x3 45x5 45x3 52x2 press/last four sets bent over row
3x7 dumbell pulover with 3x7 dumbell rows
776 ab wheel rollouts
Posts: 129
29th march
foam rolled then warmed up and mobilised courtesy of eric cressey:
supine straight leg raise
kneeling rock back
pulsed hip flexor mobilisation
kneeling knee to knee pull in
spine bridge
side lying clam
thoracic extensions
seated 90 90 mobilisations
wall ankle mobilisations
uphill treadmill sprints x5 10 second (easy paced as suggested by http://www.ericcressey.com/so-you-want-to-start-sprinting) after a few warm up sprints
2x5xbar 5x 40 50 60 squats
2x7 (after a few warm up sets) romanioan deadlift
3x20 back extensions
2x20s band palloff presses
Posts: 129
gym and medicine ball work
warm up and mobilisations
767 assisted pull ups
2xbarx5 40x5 50x5 60x5 (focusing on packing the neck to ensure upper body tightness)
2x20 40x550x5 60x5 bench with x5 bent over rows
3x7 one arm bench pressing (couldnt find the other 20kg dumbell) with 3x7 one arm rows. this gave me a surprisingly good core challenge as anti rotations
then 60 med ball throws:
10 overhead one leg split stance throw per side
10 slams
10 recoil rollovers
10 chest passes
5 each side rotational wall passes
(115 throws for the week)
Posts: 129
warm up and mobilisations and foam roller
20x5x2 40 50 60x5 squat
3x5x60 dead 1x5x80
3x7 hip thrust
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foam rolled an ball work on upper body
warm up which included thoracic spine work
decided over the last couple days to remove press out of my workous (barbell that is) due to a shoulder injury and some mobiity deficits iv envcountered.
3x3 pull ups
today i incline pressed 20 20 40 50 50 (5 5 5 4 4) supersetted with x7 dumbell rows each arm each set
3x5 dumbell pullovers
with3x8 face pulls
2x20s kneeling pallof press
with 3 sets of 8 of various grips of assisted chins
Posts: 129
today i foam rolled my hips, it band ad and abductors.
1x5squat to stand
1x5 seated 9090 mobilisations
1x5 (2x5 right leg because of hip instability) one leg rdls
bent over thoracic spine mobilisation
1x5 yoga press up
1x6 pulsed hip flexor mobilisations
1x4 supine leg raise
10 overhead med ball slams
10 recoil rollovers
15 med ball chest pass
10 rotational med ball chest pass per side(20)
10 per side med ball shot put (20)
10 per leg split stance med ball overhead throws (20)
95 throws
5 sprints on out side basketball court
5 minutes of skipping for conditioning
Posts: 129
45 minutes of squash, moving around the court faster and longer rallies, can only be a good thing.
A long rolling, ball and mobilisation session.
ball on hips pecs, posterior shoulder, calfs and balls of feet
rolled it band, abductors adductors hip flexors, shins, traps, thoracic extensions and glutes
yoga press ups, scap press ups, sleeper stretch, broomstick pec mobilisations, doorway pec stretch, doorway slide, supine leg raise, squat to stand, supine knee raise, one leg rdls (to various heights to work on stability issues of right hip) rock backs, split stance abductor mobs, split stance external rotations
3x 30 second hols of first three staged of three tent pegs with a focus on keeping posture and remaining 'tall'.
Posts: 129
short warm up and mobilisations at home the gym:
2x20x5 1x30x5 1x40x5 5x65 5x75 5x85
3x5 anderson back squats
1km run.
Posts: 129
10/04 15 minutes of myofascial release and mobilisation on pec major/minor (laying on front hockyball on pectoral areas, cross one hand behind back to internally rotate the houlder to hit pec minor more), anterior shoulder and subscapular
SUbscapular is often knotted with overhead athetes, the following drill seemed to loosen the shoulder somewhat. When testing my shoulder flexion before, and then between working on each shoulder range of motion was significantly gained.
trigger point release of subscap: sit down on edge of seat and place one elbow on the same side's knee, with the spare arm dangle between the legs. With the thumb of the hand of the arm rested on the knee, insert into armpit/lat and search for a tender area. Once found keepthumb in place and start internaly rotatingthe dangling arm and feel the pain.
foam rolling and ball work at home
warm up focusing on the upper body
886 assisted pull ups
2 warm of anderson squat sets then 2x5
2x20 40x5 50x3 60x5 70x5 80x5 bench (first four sets superstedd with by 5 barbell rows)
3x10 inclne press ups with 3x7 dumbell rows
2x6 dear delt raise
1x6 1x5 dumbell suitcase dead (with dumbell raised to about barbell level)
Posts: 129
1 hour net sessions
started with 15 balls as target practice focusing on a length. Although failed to hit target once id say 13 balls were within a foot.
then bowed 5 overs at my mate. Three from ove the wicket, two from around (hes a leftie). Each over I worked on different things. 3 overs with new ball, 2 with old. 2 overs with new ball working on an inswinger (gettign there i think im sure a few swung..maybe). One bowing outswing (was fine line off for a couple).
telling myself to stay tall and to delay the bowling arm seemed to afford me control without a loss of pace.
batted for 15 mins was poor..again.
then i gave my friend some throw downs,
Posts: 129
1 hour net sessions
started with 15 balls as target practice focusing on a length. Although failed to hit target once id say 13 balls were within a foot.
then bowed 5 overs at my mate. Three from ove the wicket, two from around (hes a leftie). Each over I worked on different things. 3 overs with new ball, 2 with old. 2 overs with new ball working on an inswinger (gettign there i think im sure a few swung..maybe). One bowing outswing (was fine line off for a couple).
telling myself to stay tall and to delay the bowling arm seemed to afford me control without a loss of pace.
batted for 15 mins was poor..again.
then i gave my friend some throw downs,
Posts: 129
Today was a foam roll and mobility warm up. Then:
105 med ball throws
15 chest pass
3x5 perside rotary passes (30)
10 perside split stance overhead throws into wall
5 overhead throws
5 overhead into wall
10 slams
10 recoil rollovers
5/side med ball shot puts
5 perside step back and then into shot puts
8 short sprints at about 80 to 90 percent effort
Posts: 129
Gym today
ball warm up and foam roll, activation focusing on hip flexors
warm up sets then 3x5 front squat
warm up sets 80 92.5 105 x5 deadlift
3x5 supine barbell hip thrust
3x5 rdls
2x5 bodyweight bulgarian split squats.
Posts: 129
evening of the 14th 8 minutes of skipping interval (one leg and two legs) plus 3x8 ab wheel
Gym again today.
foam roll warm up and ball work
3x8 assisted pull ups (last two eeked out but more reps than the previous time) superesetted with band external rotations
2x5xbar incline press 5x40,45 6x50
3x7 per side one arm dumbell press with 3x5 one arm rows
3x8 underhand chest supported rows
2x10 seconds perside kneeling overhead pallof presses
Posts: 129
last night I conducted an SMR session. Consisted of foam rolling my hips back, thoracic spine extensions, it band adds and abductors, quads and used a hockey ball on hammies, rear delt , piriformis, soles of feet, pecs, hip external rotators and used a walking stick to massage my sub scapular (this continues to be tender but shoulders are feeling better since I started massaging this muscle). Plus 3x8 reverse crunch (as Eric cressey suggests it be done)
45 minutes of squash, still improving with rally length and fitness
Posts: 129
this afternoon I foam rolled and did an activation session focusing on shoulders and hip flexors. Think that my right hip instability is getting a bit better but still weaknesses in both hip flexors.
followed this with 60 me ball throws including recoil rollovers, slams, rotational passes, overhead throws into wall and chest passes
5x 10 seconds of first two phases 3 tent pegs
Posts: 129
Gym session today
smr at home focusign on hips
then lower body warm up squats to stands, split stance exeternal rotations (these caused a shooting pain at end of range motion) knee grabs to lunges, prisoner quats, squat to stands with reach, kneeling adductor mobs
2x5x20 1x40x5 1x50x3 1x60x1 3x70 3x80 3x90 1x100 2x100 squat
3x60 5x60 squat
3x8 back raises
3x8 cable crunches
Posts: 129
preseason friendly yesterday
we lost heavily
i bowled 6 overs for 13 runs and three wickets< pretty pleased with that. But i dropped two catches so some extra practice on fielding i think. Scored 6 not out with the bat with a ovely four whippd through the leg side. With my batting i open up my stance which seemsed to help a little but its early days.
Posts: 129
Gym session
iv decided to change up my gym routine, starting a new programme called starting strength in a bid to get my squat strength up faster.
my session consisted of a warm up then
squat 20x5 30x5 40x5 60x5 70x5
press 20x5 25x5 30x5 35x5
deadlift 60x5
and at home ten minutes of speed skipping doing a lot more one leg varieties for coditioning
Posts: 129
been a while since I post so il give a brief overview
had another gym session of top of the above
warm up then:
warm up sets of squat then 3x5x65
bench worked up to sets of five up to 70kg
deadlift 1x5x70
on top of this a med ball throwing session where I threw 70 throws in similar variations to what I normally do (read above).
today I undertook a long foam roll and mobility session and on top held the first three tent pegs for 10 seconds eachx3
and 8 can rotations
Posts: 129
gym session today
foam rolled and hip mobilility in the morning
then at gym a mobilisation routine
then (warm up sets) then 3x5x67.5 squat, am going to repeat this as last rep i didnt get my knees out properly
warm up sets then 3x5x35
warm up sets then 1x5x75
tehn a finisher of 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 burpees
Posts: 129
yesterdays training involved foam rolling and hockey ball work, a long mobility session, 80 medicine ball throws, 10 minutes practicing seam position with a dual coloured cricket ball (as nathan bracken suggest on this site), 3x40 second hold of three tent pegs, using a band to work on stretch reflex and a bath with epsom salts (which supposedly aids in recovery and alleviates sore joints)
Posts: 129
thursday gym sessions was preceded by 30 med ball throws
then 3x5x67.5 squat
3x5x70 bench
1x5x80 dead
saturday first league match: season stats 1 for 38 off ten (bowled poor first spell but improved.) My girlfriend took some videos of my bowling action and iv noticed my front leg really buckles even though it lands straight. needs some work
scored 27 with the bat at number one, my highest score ever!! Im attributing thsi to sports psychology iv been working on
Posts: 129
thursday gym sessions was preceded by 30 med ball throws
then 3x5x67.5 squat
3x5x70 bench
1x5x80 dead
saturday first league match: season stats 1 for 38 off ten (bowled poor first spell but improved.) My girlfriend took some videos of my bowling action and iv noticed my front leg really buckles even though it lands straight. needs some work
scored 27 with the bat at number one, my highest score ever!! Im attributing thsi to sports psychology iv been working on
Posts: 129
monday gym sessions
warm up and foam roll
3x5x70 squat
3x5x37.5 press
1x5x85 deadlift
monday night working on some mobility drills for squats with a focus on ankle mobility, and 5 sets of 10 second static hold for third tent peg
Posts: 129
Tuesday night some hip and shoulder mobility drills, and using a roller and hockey ball on pecs and shoulders and shins
wednesday gym session followed by fielding session
warm up then 3x5x70 (complete so moving up)
3x5x72.5 bench (complete so moving up)
1x5x90 dead (complete so moving up)
fielding training consisted of a long barrier drill, one encompassing shyign at the stumps with either a keeper or bowler call and an underarm throw drill, about an hour in total
Posts: 129
in the evening i undertook a mobility session and held 5 10 second holds of the third tent peg plus a few walk through drills
Hey mate,
Had a look through your entries, you seem pretty consistent in your training which is good, I need to take a leaf of of your book. I want to ask you, have you noticed any improvements to your bowling since you started your training program?
Posts: 129
iv not actually bowled that much due to a late season start and a cancelled game but I had received positive net comments about gaining pace. Some pretty decent batsmen have struggle too. However I have always been a slow started so i will base it on season figures. As a subnote my throw length seems to have improved without much throwing practice at all which I think is due to increased lat strength.
Posts: 129
Thursday evening I undertook some stetching and some band face pulls
Friday was another gym session
suffering from a stiff lower back at the moment, im guessing due to a lack of mobility work
Friday gym session
warm up then
warm up sets then 3x5 72.5 squats
warm up sets (WUS) 3x5x40 press
WUS 1x5x95 dead (going to repeat not happy with form of deads at all) (in warming up i am using a snatch grip to try and get better mobility)
Monday gym session
warm up
WUS then 2x5x75 1x4 bench
WUS then 3x5x75 squat (will redo not entirely happy with form on all sets)
1x90 (different gym so did not have 2.5 plates so will still redo 95)
followed by foam rolling and lower body mobility session at home
Posts: 129
wednesday gym session
warm up and mobility then
WUS then 3x5x75 squat (complete)
WUS 3x5x42.5 press (will repeat not happy with last two reps on last set)
WUS 1x5 95 deads (complete)
3,3,2 pull ups
then a net sessions later in the evening. bowled average but batted ok. more open stance is definately helping my batting
Posts: 129
thursday was a medicine ball session with a lot of variety of throws totally at around 100 throws
saturday match
9-36-4 bowled better when i returned to a full run up
went out for a duck rubbish shot
Posts: 129
thursday was a medicine ball session with a lot of variety of throws totally at around 100 throws
saturday match
9-36-4 bowled better when i returned to a full run up
went out for a duck rubbish shot
Posts: 129
tusday gym session
foam rolled at home then warm up at gym including mobilisations
WUS 3x5x77.5 squat (last rep of last set was poor so will redo)
WUS 3x5x75 bench press (complete moving up)
WUS 1x5 x 100 deadlift (complete moving up)
4 3 3 chin ups, chest to bar
Posts: 129
wednesday consisted of a medicine ball throwing work out and some technique drills, and a foam rolling session at home
the throws consisted of around 60, with a similar variety as normal but I introduced a new one, overhead throw into wall off a delivery stride,effectively the last few steps into the delivery, the jump, land and then throw the ball into the wall.
I followed this with medball throws into sprints (10) for 10 yards
this was followed by 5x10 second hold of third tent peg
then 10 walk through three tent peg drills