Quick Tip: There are No "Typical" Conditions | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: There are No "Typical" Conditions

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England is all aout green top seamers. India is all about spinning dust bowls. We know the story.

Except, how often is it true?

I know here UK that conditions vary a huge amount: May might be for seamers but July is for batsmen and August is for spinners.

Already this season I have played home games where the ball has seamed and swung everywhere but not got above the shins, while later in the year our reliable medium pacer is bowling bouncers.

So, there are no "typical" conditions.

Good players are capable of developing skills in all weathers and on all wickets. You have a role as a spinner on a featherbed, and you have a role as a batter on a pitch that's turning square.

Many players will use imperfect conditions as an excuse, but I say you should see it as a chance to shine when the odds are against you.

Because that is what good players do.

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We've already had two games where the match aggregate was about 400-8, interspersed with two very different games where the match aggregate was 150-19.