Quick Tip: What Should I Do to Lift the Team's Enthusiasm? | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Quick Tip: What Should I Do to Lift the Team's Enthusiasm?

John wrote in with a sad tale of a cricket team in trouble, and a real problem:

"I am the captain of my club cricket team. After about 6 overs if we haven't taken a wicket or two most players start sticking their hands in their pockets and not really putting in the effort. The game just goes down hillfrom there. What should I do to try to lift the team's enthusiasm?"

We have all been there. Here is what to do.


Honestly, nothing beats practicing smart, getting better and actually taking those wickets. That's the number one way to lift the side.

But even great sides have periods where the opposition are on top, so what do you do then?

Naturally, there are things you can do on the field. A great example would be setting a target of bowling a "team maiden" when you feel you can't get a wicket. Here the whole team has to work with the bowlers to come up with 12 dot balls in a row.

Another easy way to refocus people is to switch around the bowling and the fielding positions. Sometimes this will be a plan, sometimes it will be a hunch. But whatever you do it's import to stop the game drifting.

But the true key is to make sure and bring this up off the field. Not by saying "we were quiet out there again today lads" but to give certain players the role of being team rouser.

Pick your most outgoing couple of players - the ones who can't resist talking - and get them to do what they are good at. It might be taking the mickey, it may be shouting at people to cheer up, whatever works for them works for keeping the side switched on.

Then even when you are doing poorly, you will still have hope, and that is what lifts a side.

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