The online pavilion: Why every club cricketer should use twitter | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

The online pavilion: Why every club cricketer should use twitter

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Would you like this site to be more personal to you and your cricket? miCricketCoach exists to serve your needs so I'm trying to find out what they are. In short I want to have more 2 way conversations with you. That's where Twitter comes in.

Twitter as the online pavilion

Imagine you are standing in the clubhouse after a hard fought match. Someone stands up and asks a question or gives a tip about cricket and everyone gets a chance to respond with their own view and ask a question themselves. Imagine how much better we would all get if that could happen.

Now multiply that clubhouse by many hundreds or thousands and you start to see how much potential twitter can be the online pavilion for the miCricketCoach team. You get 140 characters to stand up and shout or reply to anything you want (called tweets for some reason). Those following your updates, like the people in the bar, get to see the messages, reply to them and make their own tweets.

The whole thing only works with a crowd though so I need you to join me in the pavilion so we can make it work. Here is what I'll be using it for:

  1. Questions. I'll be asking you for your opinions on a range of cricket topics. I'll also use questions to post quick ideas for longer posts on the site here. Your feedback on twitter will directly influence what I put on harrowdrive.
  2. Motivation. Need some help with some part of your game or preparation? Send your question to me via @micoach on Twitter wait for the reply.
  3. Links. I'll post quick links to other pages that will help you improve your cricket, your mental game, your fitness, your eating habits and anything else relevant.
  4. Quick Tips. Coaching points that are not long enough for a full post will go into twitter too.

To put it simply: twitter is about conversations. I want to have more with you directly so I can make miCricketCoach better for you directly. I don't want to be some blogger on high casting out all the answers. This is about you.

Come and join me and see if we can make it work.



© Copyright miSport Holdings Ltd 2008


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i dont understand how to use it :S

Don't worry Ty a lot of people don't. Remember it's all about conversations and you will be there. You can check my tweets (links and questions etc) and reply to them if you want (by starting your message with @harrowdrive)

More here:

Remember I'm putting stuff on twitter that will never hit the main site here. It's sort of like a backstage pass to this site if you like.