Warning: Being a ‘24 hour cricketer’ can seriously improve your game. | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Warning: Being a ‘24 hour cricketer’ can seriously improve your game.

An average club cricketer might spend a few hours a week improving their game.

You might play a couple of games, go to the gym and train in the nets regularly.

What about the rest of the time?

What you do outside of this time also has a huge effect on your performance. Getting the edge and playing good cricket at any level requires good intense training. It also needs attention to the other hours in the day.

This idea is often known as the 24 hour athlete.

A 24 hour cricketer puts their health as a number 1 priority. They know the more he or she focuses the better they will be. It's about making the most of of the entire day and night.

It might seem a big commitment for non-professional players to become 24 hour cricketers. In fact, the lifestyle is suitable for anyone concerned about being at their best in any aspect of life: low stress, healthy body, sharp mind and well rested.

Do it but don't just do it for your cricket.


© Copyright miSport Holdings Ltd 2008


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[...] If Charlie is serious about stepping up a level and making it to professional cricket he must consider large changes to his lifestyle away from cricket. He is currently working against himself but with a better diet and more exercise he is giving himself many advantages. I want him to start thinking like a 24 hour cricketer. [...]

This shouldn't be for just cricket, it should be to improve your quality of life.

In terms of sleep, I have read up on it, and we sleep in cycles(stage 1,2,3,4,5) and one cycle for me lasts about 5 hours where I am totally refreshed. However, you can correct me on this, although the media is propagating we need 8 hours - In my case that would wake me up in stage 3(deep sleep), and if my alarm clock 'bolts' me out of this stage I will be groggy for the day.

Quite right Faris about it being for life. Being healthy is far more important than playing cricket!

I'm no sleep expert and as I understand it there is no hard and fast proven rules for sleep. What works for me (8-9 hours or I feel terrible) might make you feel tired. It's trial and error.

Generally speaking the more you can get the better, especially if you are looking to be stronger and faster as sleep is the best recovery time.

I would like you to give more such articles on how to be improving your game throughout the day(even when not training).