Would you attend a mental skills session for cricket with Jeremy Snape?
I'm not sure how many chin ups Jeremy Snape can do, but when it comes to exercising your mind there is no one better in cricket.
Jeremy is a friend of the site and it's his benefit year at Leicestershire. He is putting on all sorts of top events this year in the UK and has asked if you, dear reader, wants to attend one.
The idea is that Jeremy does a practical session for club players on mental skills. It's a pretty rare chance to see the man in action.
So would you come?
As a benefit event there would be a fee involved and it would be held in the UK, probably somewhere in the Midlands.
I'm just looking for interest at the moment so have a look at Jeremy's benefit site and see if it's worth him putting on another event in association with harrowdrive.com. Readers only of course.
If you or your club would be interested drop me a line.
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I would be very interested in attending something, providing the cost wasn't too much.
The mental side of the game can so easily be overlooked and Snape is one of the best out there, especially when it comes to relating psychology back to cricket.
Thanks Tom, if interest is high enough I'll get you some prices.