Batting | Cricket coaching, fitness and tips

Work with Players, Not Techniques to Grow Your Cricketers

What do you see when watching a batter in a net or out in the middle?

What do you notice?

These are the key questions that I ask of myself when working with any player for the first time.

Use Geometry to Deal with the Silver Fox Conundrum

I received a cry for help on Facebook the other night from a dear friend of mine who plays village cricket in the heart of Somerset.

Solve Batting Problems with Downswing and Follow-Through

What is the purpose of the follow-through?

I ask it a lot, particularly from a batting perspective. Some of the answers are brilliantly inaccurate but tell me that we, as coaches, have done a poor job of explaining the follow through despite the frequency of use in coaching dialogue.

So let’s put this into a front foot drive context. What explanations do I hear on a day to day basis?

Your Newest Cricket Coaching Tool: Sand and Air Filled Balls

The use of weighted balls in power hitting and pitching in baseball is not a new thing, but it’s so brilliant that even us traditional cricket coaches are now cottoning on to the merits.

Improve Bat Speed and Batting Confidence with the Torch Drill

We had a great question come in on the Cricket Show from Basit, who talked about his lack of confidence to get behind the ball when it's aimed short pitched and at the body. He felt that he was taking too many balls on the body. This often comes from a lack of confidence through a player believing that they have not got the skills to attack or cope with the incoming delivery.

It is then the coaches' responsibility to build both confidence and competence through a series of drills.

Hit Under the Eyes: Upgrade Your Batting Coaching Advice

One early season challenge is the adaptation from indoor surfaces to slow and two paced grass pitches.

How to Coach Your Batting Tail to Wag

I love working with lower order players. To me they are still ‘run getters’ and ‘partnership builders’ irrespective of their less extensive batting experience and limited practice hours.

How Brain Training Lead to 17 Hundreds Last Cricket Season

Duncan Fletcher had lots of “Fletchisms”. One of my favourite Fletcherisms is “train the brain!”.


Power Hitting for Cricket: The "King" Drill

At Millfield this winter most players have increased their bat speed by about 15mph in a month.

Adapt Indoor Nets to Create Adaptable Cricketers

Adaptability is a tough skill to coach. Here's a simple way to change nets to coach your players to become adaptable to different conditions.